International Student Admissions
*(Download brochure) “Nations are built and destroyed in schools, colleges & universities” AukSun offers immigration and international student consultancy since 2000. We are licensed ICCRC – Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council – R413215. Our services are in governance with Canadian Citizenship and Immigration department – CIC. We office in Canada, Pakistan, Italy and the UK. Consult our Education and Career counsellors who guide students and alumni even if they have been out of school for number of years. Do attend our online School forums, providing excellent opportunities to talk to School Representatives from International institutions in one central location.

Areas of assistance to candidates:
With our presence in Canada, UK and Pakistan, AukSun can facilitate candidates both during and after their programs of study. Our program covers;
- Admission and scholarship program selection and assistance
- Preparing Candidates portfolios, applications and related documentation
- Representing candidates before the institute, scholarship granting bodies and Embassies
- Preparing candidates for Embassy interviews
- Step wise guidance in settlement process: Finance, education, traveling, commuting, subway, cellular, Internet service.
- Information about the new country, its history, heritage, culture, economy, its people, and government
- Assisting in travel plans, goods to accompany, guidance on funds and amount to be carried abroad
- Health arrangements prior to leaving for abroad, details on procedures upon arrival in the new country
- Accommodation in safe, comfortable, financially viable areas according to need budget, and desired contractual obligations
- Legalities to be fulfilled after landing in the new country: Registration, Social Insurance, Banking, Medical
- Guidance on commuting, buying vehicles, driving training & licensing, insurance, registration and safety requirements
- Assistance in buying computers, convenience shopping
- Guidance on traveling abroad (U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia etc.), after arrival
- Counseling in career, job search and immigration
- Guidance in job interviews, immigration /settlement options
- On going consultancy, follow-up (print/video/audio etc.) provided time to time from initiation through after study.
How to prepare for a foreign school’s admission?
Most International institutes select students who demonstrate logical thinking, vision and are in pursuit of excellence. An undergraduate career that is vocationally oriented may not be the best preparation for a school. As long as you received an education that taught you critical analysis, logical reasoning, and written and oral expression, the range of acceptable college majors is broad. What counts is the intensity and depth of your undergraduate program and your capacity to perform well at an academically rigorous level.
What does an International Institution’s education cover?
Although you may choose from several different paths to a good education, whether the school you choose is public or private, large or small, faith-related or independent, or affiliated with a university, you’ll find that the basic curriculum focuses on certain basic skills required of all students in that function. An institution’s program is designed to develop your analytical, creative, and logical reasoning abilities. For example, Lawyers must know how to analyse legal issues in light of the constantly changing state of public policy. They must be able to advocate the views of individuals and diverse interest groups within the context of the legal system. They must be able to synthesize material that relates to multifaceted issues. They must give intelligent counsel on the law’s requirements. Moreover, lawyers must write and speak clearly and be able to persuade and negotiate effectively.
Is there a standard school curriculum?
Not exactly. But nearly every reputed international school require one to three years of full-time attendance, or four years of part-time study. Although schools differ in the emphasis they give to certain subjects and in the degree to which they provide opportunities for independent study and field experience. Nearly all schools have certain basic similarities. Most schools rely on the ‘case method’ approach to teaching with some lecture driven settings. First-year curricula usually include general courses toward a particular line of studies while later years emphasise on more specialized branch of study. Most schools share a common approach to the task of training students. Many emphasize particular teaching methods, placing students in internships for academic credit, or using government or related resources of a surrounding community. A number of schools have developed specialized programs of instruction combining a course of study with other disciplines such as business, public administration, international relations, science, and technology.
Who is applying to a school?
According to recent statistics, about 25 percent of all school applicants were 22 years old or younger; about 37 percent were 23 to 25; and about 19 percent were between ages 26 and 29. Applicants who were 30 to 34 years old made up about 10 percent of the applicant pool, while 9 percent were over 34 years old. There has been a steady rise in the age profile as more experienced classroom setting is sought. Currently, nearly one-half of all applicants are women. How to find out more about schools? Chalk down your interests and pursuits first. Then look widely and inquire carefully. Select the schools to which you will apply only after reviewing the admission material available from each a school on your list of possibilities. Write to AukSun for schools bulletins, catalogues, or other material that include complete and current information. A list with addresses for AukSun’s -member schools is included here. Attend a school forum arranged by AukSun Consultants time to time. These school forums are excellent opportunities to talk with school representatives from Canadian Institutions in one central location. How to choose a school? You should begin the process of choosing a school with an honest appraisal of your strengths and preferences. You should fill-in and submit the form. AukSun Consultants select schools after carefully considering the size, composition, and background of the student body; the location and nature of the surrounding community; the particular strengths or interests of a faculty; the degree to which field experience or classroom learning is emphasized; the nature of any special programs offered, the number and type of student organizations; the range of library holdings; and whether a school is public or private. We also consider selecting schools with a strong minority recruitment, retention, and mentor program, or one with an active student organization for students of your particular ethnic background. At any rate, you should actually select more than one school where you think you could succeed. Our average applicant applies to four or more schools.